If you have decided to see in 2021 with long hair, thanks to Remy human hair extensions, you can easily make this possible even if you are currently sporting a short hairstyle. As you probably know, Remy human hair is best for hair extensions, which means you can wash and condition as normal, although you should avoid too much heat when styling your extensions.
Pre-Wear Styling
The great thing about hair extensions is that you can style them prior to wearing, almost like you are styling someone else’s hair. You can choose the shade and length you want. You should minimise the amount of heat you use when styling your extensions, though, as heat damages human hair. While your natural hair can repair itself from excessive heat, your extensions do not have that luxury.
Proper Storage
After getting the getting best tape in hair extensions available online, it is worth noting that when not wearing them, they should be stored correctly. You could keep them in a drawer exclusively for laying out your extensions, with soft cotton underlay. You can buy special hair extension pouches, which offers optimum storage environment, which you can hang in your wardrobe. Avoid leaving your hair extensions in strong sunlight, as this will damage them. While it is fine when they are in, when not worn, they should be stored out of the sun.

Correct Brushing
When brushing hair extensions, you should use a loop hairbrush while the extensions are in, as this reduces the risk of snagging and tangling. This type of brush does not pull the wefts. The Internet has a wealth of free resources and you can read up on the best brushing techniques that won’t damage your extensions, and when combined with hands-on experience, you will be able to handle your hair extensions with care, thus prolonging their life.
Sleep With Your Extensions In A Bun
I’m sure you’ve heard that keeping extensions in a bun while sleeping helps to protect them. It is the best form of protection, as restlessness can cause you to roll around and that can do some damage to your extensions. As soon as you’ve received your hair extensions from Cliphair UK online shop, this tip is worth trying.
Sulfate-Free Shampoo & Conditioner
It is important to check that your shampoo & conditioner are sulfate-free, as this can damage hair extensions, and one tip is to massage conditioner into your extensions when they are wet, leaving it for 5-10 minutes before rinsing out with cold water, which locks in the moisture. It might sound odd, but putting conditioner prior to working out is a great way to protect your hair extensions and you can either leave it in or rinse out with cold water. There are conditioners that you leave in, and providing the conditioner is sulfate-free, this is a good idea, as it maximises the protection, while also moisturising.

Whether you choose the convenient clip-in hair extensions, or would rather have tape-in extensions fitted professionally, if you take good care of your extensions, they will last a lot longer, and with frequent repositioning, you can maintain that long-hair look.