I have clean my stuffs the other day and discovered lots of goodies I didn’t know they exist at all haha =) So I decided to give them away here on my blog one by one. The first one as you can see in the photo is this Face Shop Body Set I got when I attended the Korea Beauty and Wellness at Grand Hyatt.
I hope you guys can do all the mechanics properly so on the next giveaway you won’t need to do all of them anymore. That sound just right ya?
This Giveaway is open Worldwide – International. Any bad or side effect using the products I am giving away is not going to be my responsibility so I hope everyone who will join will take extra caution using the products as some of you may have sensitive skin and may react in a bad way when using the products.
Remember to come back here and share the giveaway via rafflecopter for more chances of winning!
You may start earning your entries by entering the Rafflecopter below. Good Luck Everyone! x0~ Jane

1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public https://www.facebook.com/ariannemae1788/posts/754050177996929
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @ariannemae007
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: ariannemae007@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/izenbgon/posts/1476055962668530
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @werdcroods
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: senaagonzales@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/luckylili65/posts/1477593469185658
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @meeirol
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: luckylili.321@gmail.com
Facebook shared Link:https://www.facebook.com/aimerej.gnalanam/posts/1543444539218135
Twitter and Instagram username: @tweetymiah
Country: Philippines
Email Address: aimerej.aimerej@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/cleydzdeleyola/posts/1402948343324348
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @cleydz
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: clayinpink@hellokitty.com
1) Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/arRa.odeza/posts/713337488702686
2) Twitter & Instagram: @acodeza
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: odeza.arra@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner I have shared in Public.https://www.facebook.com/elena.per.5/posts/640211942761960
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:@ElenaPer3 / https://twitter.com/ElenaPer3/status/516191071496192000
3) Your Country:Greece
4) Email Address:elperrel@hotmail.com
Facebook Link of the giveaway https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=341030736063553&id=100004698875835
Twitter: @Oksana_Zol
Your Country: Ukraine
Email Address: snow_2000@mail.ru
Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.cirlea
Twitter: @AlexandraPainte
Instagram: @ppainter8
Your Country: Romania
Email Address: ppainter8@gmail.com
Twitter: @aiasma
Instagram: Aaizaawan
Email: aexaawan@hotmail.com
Country: Pakistan 🙂
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public : https://www.facebook.com/Danielle.Gociu/posts/865257553493711
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:
@Dydy96 , I don’t have an IG account 🙁
3) Your Country: Romania
4) Email Address: diana.gociu@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner I have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/claudia.monteiro.353803/posts/1474008849541609
2) My twitter username: @88claudiamontei
3) My country: Portugal
4) My email Address: claudia-monteiro88@hotmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/davelynnebenggonrampas/posts/1490218451239078
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: Twitter – dayverampas | IG: dayvesy
3) Your Country: Malaysia
4) Email Address: dayverampas@gmail.com
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my email address thierry_ramet@orange.fr
) Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/neti.fash/posts/1552960241591643
2) Twitter username : @FashNeti
3) Your Country:France
4) Email Address: ntifashion@yahoo.fr
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queen-of-pain @yandex.com
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email smpyrrr@yahoo.gr
mail angelyunie@live.it
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twitter BulmaBrief1
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country Itally
2)Julie Jhowantha
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2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: Julie Jhowantha
3) Your Country: Malaysia
4) Email Address: piukelledebest@yahoo.com.my
FB: coline touil
Shared link: https://www.facebook.com/coline.touil/posts/807840009266277
Twitter: @colinetouil
Country: France
Email: coco.pink@hotmail.fr
I don’t have IG account.
Thanks for this great giveaway! 🙂
2) @judethomas21 TWITTER
@jude2101 INSTAGRAM
3)New Zealand COUNTRY
4) judethomas212gmail.com EMAIL
2) Twitter: @aloumay
IG: @aloumaymatt
3) Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: marialourdesrreyes@gmail.com
fb dina topolko medvid
like and shared
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2. like and shared
3. very very nice giveaway 🙂
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3) Argentina
4) takumi.creaciones@gmail.com
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2) Twitter: kimtiu37
IG: kimtiu37
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: purple_kimy37@yahoo.com
Great giveaway!!!!!
1) https://www.facebook.com/cornelia.wittmann
2) WConny71
3) Germany
4) WConny (at) web.de
what a great price, i have shared ur facebook post on my page, good luck to everyone 🙂
twitter, instagram: lumostartarus
country: vietnam
email address: brokenalien1@yahoo.com.vn
Twitter: @Hya_cel08
IG: Hya_cel08
Country: Philippines
Email: Artemis_Earla@yahoo.com
FB shared link: https://www.facebook.com/pooja.dudeja.98/posts/359879620846094
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IG: dudejapooja
country: India
emailId: poojamscmath@gmail.com
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IG: @lykerz42
Country: Philippines
E-mail: lykashane42@yahoo.com
@Borhimelanie Canada verycherry66@hotmail.com
1. https;//www.facebook.vcom/nikkirobak
2. @nrobak101
4. nrobak101@hotmail.com
Awesome giveaway!
1) https://www.facebook.com/melibasmati/posts/10203522327271589
2) @melibasm
3) Greece
4) kolliaeuag@yahoo.gr
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3 ) Instagram username/s: @macrika73
3) Your Country: Italy
4) Email Address: macriser2004@gmail.com
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2) Twitter Name : @ReneWarmuth
3) Your Country: Germany
4) Email Address : renewarmuth@emailn.de
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. ; https://www.facebook.com/charmane.santos.1/posts/1492970507639156
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: Twitter (@imchammy) Instagram (@imchammy16)
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: charmane408@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/nikolina.vukelic.165/posts/10152762348481450
2) Twitter username: @Nikolina_84
3) Your Country: Croatia
4) Email Address: strijelcic@gmail.com
T : https://twitter.com/IrishBonita1990
IG: http://instagram.com/irishevangelio
Irish Evangelio, Philippines
Done everything! Thank you for the give away
Facebook: Sílvia Caseiro
E-mail: silvia_caseiro@hotmail.com
Facebook: Mariana Alves Pereira
Instagram: mariana.a.pereira.14
E-mail: mariana2188@gmail.com
Good luck 😉
Shared link: https://www.facebook.com/popescu.cristina.167/posts/10203127430286165
shared link: https://www.facebook.com/AnaPPais/posts/605272936248005
Instagram username: @aninhavialactea
Country: Portugal
Email: ana.paula.c.pais@gmail.com
shared link: https://www.facebook.com/joana.conceicao.5095/posts/302980976560261
Instagram username: joanapimentelsc
Country: Portugal
email: joanapimentelsc@gmail.com
1) https://www.facebook.com/glamour.nastena/posts/897809103582392
2) Twitter @NasyaRob, Instagram – lovesummerbeauty
3) Russia
4) glamour-nastena@ya.ru
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2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @edgiecruz
3) Your Country:Philippines
4) Email Address: ghiela14@gmail.com
Facebook link : https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/296860640501189
name face- Marta Nunes
name twitter- @martaexcel1
email- martaexcel@gmail.com
country- Portugal
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/tatianacbaguiar/posts/861061020572920
Instagram: tatianacbaguiar
Country: Portugal
E-mail: tatianacbaguiar@hotmail.com
Ana Margarida
Email : anamargaridaso@hotmail.com
Country: Corse, France
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public.
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:
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twitter:@AleRinji https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.rogozea/posts/835752669779839 email:ale.rogozea@yahoo.it
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2. painterjenc
4. daineniellejen_jcs@yahoo.com
Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/296289350558318
twitter: @chiaragiveaway
Instagram: sweet sherley
e-mail: luckygirlxoxo@yahoo.it
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2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:
quekchj / quekj
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FB: Fantasy Corner
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Twitter: @AlexandraIle
Country: Romania
Email: xandra_il89@hotmail
I don’t have IG account.
Thank you!
Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/kristine.pelayo.583/posts/546130895533284
Twitter : @kristinepelayo
Instagram: @mylifekianjeff
Your Country:Philippines
Email Address: kianismine@yahoo.com
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Instagram username: lay_robjosh
Twitter username: @Mgayatin
email add: lay_robjosh@yahoo.com
fb: https://www.facebook.com/ahpple.gonzales/posts/585224991599784
twitter: apsooo
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Country: Portugal
Fb Link https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/295753077278612
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3) YOUR COUNTRY : Italia
4) email address: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
Share link: https://www.facebook.com/popescu.cristina.167/posts/10203100532453736
1. FB link : https://www.facebook.com/nicole.tam.nyet.yun
Shared Link : https://www.facebook.com/nicole.tam.nyet.yun
2. Twitter Username : NicoleTNY
3. Instagram : NICOLE90TAM
4.Country : Malaysia
5. Email add : nicole.tam.nyet.yun@gmail.com
FB Link : Https://www.facebook.com/cherryting
Twitter : @Cherrytl
Instagram : @cherrytinglee
Country : Malaysia
Email : cherrytinglee@yahoo.com
1. FB link : https://www.facebook.com/tnshang
2. Twitter Username : Tam Nyet Shang
3. Instragram : @tamnyetshang
4.Country : Malaysia
5. Email add : nyetshang@gmail.com
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sleepybbb / bbgigil
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Twitter: ravishingnafnaf
Country: Philippines
email: feytheyzhel2nd@yahoo.com
Share link: https://www.facebook.com/popescu.cristina.167/posts/10203094781549967
1)Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/295527963967790
2 Twitter @CarmenDemartin1
3) YOUR COUNTRY : Italia
4) email address: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public.
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:
wcgracel / gracelwc
3) Your Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: glwc88@hotmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/abby.delrosario.75/posts/862189140466123
2) Twitter: @myangel0528
Instagram: @angel052882
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: angel_robbie01@yahoo.com
twitter: @crystahal
IG: @crystahal
country: Philippines
email add: crystalcruz1986@yahoo.com
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/melanie.camasisgarciano/posts/945680688779610
Twitter: @iam_melanieg
IG: @genelanie
Country: Philippines
Email add: genelanie21@yahoo.com
OMG, 1)facebook.com/Edmond.leung.908
2) twitter:@edmond18
Wow, face body set is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap.
It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank
you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Dear Santa: I’ve
been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest.
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public.
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:
Twitter: @shinefarinas / IG: @shinefarinas
3) Your Country:
4) Email Address:
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public.
FB Name: Harlene Gomez (akosiharlenegomez)
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:
twitter: akosiharlene ig: akosiharlene
3) Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: harlenekhuletz@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner: https://www.facebook.com/pazzawhayME/posts/758907330834975
2) Twitter: mariafernmm22 // Instagram: panget_xoxo
3) Country: PH
4) Email Address: sareehzz220@yahoo.com
1) https://www.facebook.com/hayley.maris/posts/759417534118025
2) Twitter: @snowquill ; Instagram: snowquill
3) Your Country: Malaysia
4) Email Address: hayleymaris@gmail.com
1) https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/295286113991975
Fb Carmela D’Aniello
Twitter @Carmela D’Aniello
mail: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
1) https://www.facebook.com/rose.bear.7186/posts/390579221096820
2) twitter @kirapaichi & instagram leeliet2457
3) Your Country: singapore
4) Email Address: kwekkuek@hotmail.com
Share link: https://www.facebook.com/popescu.cristina.167/posts/10203087137638874
Twitter: @rainkie/ IG: yurilovesteddy
1) https://www.facebook.com/mariamay.amolo/posts/962962977062514
2) Twitter: @itsMAY24 IG: @may091589
3) Your Country: PH
4) Email Address: may_ochea22@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/kikaymuch/posts/670587293049253
2) Twitter username: @enitsirk21 /Instagram username: @enitsirk_21
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: one_stop_shoppe@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/khia.parianes
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @kiaparianes
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: kia_parianes15@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public.: https://www.facebook.com/lovelyjoymerced/posts/734786189922517
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @joyluck_614
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: bundlesofjoy@rocketmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/kakaleen/posts/10152483371486638
2) Twitter: @linleen, IG : @kaleen_teo
3) Your Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: kakaleen@ymail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public. https://www.facebook.com/jhendhet/posts/494140230723055
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:@jhendhet
3) Your Country:philippines
4) Email Address:helen_17gatbonton@yahoo.com.ph
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/sherryann1022/posts/10202546392692750
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s:@annkharize
3) Your Country:philippines
4) Email Address:khryza1022@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/jnyaguirre/posts/479487942193566
2) Twitter @theluckyvixen/ IG: @theluckyvixen
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: luckyvixen2@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of The giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/stevensua 2) Instagram username/stevensua 3: Your Country: Malaysia 4: Email Address: stevensuayiwen4@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway…https://www.facebook.com/ashmika.jain.180/posts/1482988321964656
2) Twitter ..@ash_6677 /…IG…@ashmika
3) Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: jainash1083@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway:https://www.facebook.com/monera.tan/posts/381419415367886
2) Instagram username/s:moneratan
3) Your Country:Singapore
4) Email Address:thyath89@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/seline.bong
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: SelineBong
3) Your Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: sibeicute@yahoo.com.sg
Thank you for this lovely giveaway!
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway:
2) Twitter username:@irjas1
3) Your Country:TUNISIA
4) Email Address:Melodie10@gmx.fr
Fingers crossed!
)Facebook Link of the giveaway https://www.facebook.com/sharinchia
2) Twitter username: vinnck. Instagram username: sharinhia
3) Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: sharinchia@yahoo..com
1)Facebook Link of the giveaway https://www.facebook.com/alvin.ng.5836711
2) Twitter username: vinnck. Instagram username: vin_nck
3) Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: vin_nck@hotmail.com
) Facebook Link of the giveaway https://www.facebook.com/irisogl
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: Irisgeelee
3) Your Country: Singapore
4) Email Address: irisogl@hotmail.com
Facebook link of the giveaway https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/295048427349077
mail: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/raquel.solis.961/posts/718746388195594
Tweeter and Instagram username: @raquell_solis/raquell_solis961
Country: Philippines
Emaill Adress: raquelsolis49@yahoo.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/neuronn/posts/768388903223279
Twiter and Instagram username: vrmnm
Country: Romania
Email: vrmnm@yahoo.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/294725884047998
mail: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway:https://www.facebook.com/unidentifiedusername8
2) Twitter – @dulcestrangeha share link https://twitter.com/dulcestranghera/status/510948028937543680
3. Instagram: @ljps08
3) Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: leejaes15@gmail.com
😀 😀 😀 😀
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/devi.priya.712/posts/698050293609556
2) Twitter username: @DivyaAsha
Instagram username: @ashadivya
3) Your Country: India
4) Email Address: fb_asha@yahoo.com
Hi Divya!
This is Jane of Fashion Travels www.tauyanm.com I would like to give you a big CONGRATULATIONS! For winning my September Giveaway! Emailed you and message on facebook as well! pls reply as soon as! =)
jane =)
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/hema.thakur.1612/posts/10202783925659218
2) Twitter – @12hema share link https://twitter.com/12hema/status/510759806961852419
3. No Instagram A/c 🙁
3) Country: India
4) Email Address: hema.thakurr@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/florinda.fraccalvieri/posts/10202823119004644
2) Twitter & (Instagram if you followed our accounts) username/s: @PiccolaFlo_82 @florindaf82
3) Your Country: Italy
4) Email Address: e-mail: floryfrancy[at]inwind[dot]it
1) facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/anita.give.3/posts/1493088580948793
2) twitter: anita podeia
3) contry: italy
email: podeia.anita@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/294495607404359
2) twitter @CarmenDeMartin1
3) Country Italy
email address: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
Facebook link :https://www.facebook.com/zhettie.bondoc/posts/1507603486150237
twitter: @zhettie814
Country: philippines
email add: Suzettetanbondoc@gmail.com
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public: https://www.facebook.com/francesca.biondina.7/posts/554962244631005
2) Twitter: @FrancBiond87
3) Your Country: ITALY
4) Email Address: redicoppe@inwind.it
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public.
2) Twitter @iamyhienocasa / Instagram @yhienocasa
3) Your Country: Philippines
4) Email Address: yhie0508@gmail.com
share https://www.facebook.com/carmela.daniello.12/posts/294283804092206
Fb Carmela D’Aniello
Twitter @Carmela D’Aniello
mail: demartino.carmela@virgilio.it
I shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fiona.nuyen/posts/10202503233571355
Twitter: @carabao62
Instagram: @greenavocado
Country: USA
email: iceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank You for the chance!
share twitter:https://twitter.com/AlynaHurmuz/status/510049890328535042
shared link- https://www.facebook.com/gurjeet.chhabra.75/posts/758348657540919
twitter handler – @gurjeet_chhabra
instagram- goopsguji
email- goopsguji@yahoo.co.in
country- India
Fb nadia de simone
twitter and instagram princianasina
conuntry: Italy
email nadia_90@hotmail.it
Share: https://www.facebook.com/popescu.cristina.167/posts/10203059129698693
Twitter: @crisstinap
Country: Romania
email: cristina.popesku@yahoo.com
fb link https://www.facebook.com/margherita.sciortino.35/posts/1507268506188320
twitter marghegive
ig margheritasciortino
1) Facebook Link of the giveaway banner you have shared in Public:
2) Twitter username: @lhay24
Instagram : @lhayperez
3) Your Country: Philippines
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