~E.V.E stands for Elegant. Vogue. Energetic.
~E.V.E is formulated with E.V.E POTENT INGREDIENTS – Austrian Deep Moor, PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica, Aloe Vera, Virgin Coconut Oil, Ionic Colloidal Silver, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C & Algae Extract! You may go through each of the potent ingredients click me to understand it further.
~The 5 Key Ingredients
Austrian Deep Moor:Revitalizing effect.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is known for its wonderful and outstanding properties such as smootherning, softening, and moisturizing.
Hydrating Algae Extract: Normalize the skin’s moisture content and provide suppleness to the epidermis.
Hyaluronic Acid: Deeply moisturizes the skin.
Ionic Colloidal Silver: It is know for its excellent antiseptic and healing properties for skin conditions.
Scroll down to see more about the product and the result I got after trying it for one month! Enjoy!
So I have received the E.V.E soap bar last month ~October. Started using it everyday but as you can see in the photo I have posted above, I tried the product on my arms, Because my face is already a little more brighter or whiter than my arms or lower body, I decided to try it on both of my arms which is much more expose to sun that tends to give me darker colour and dry skin too as you know I don’t wear lotion everyday.
I’ve read a lot of good reviews about the product on how it heals and clear your face from acne and acne scar or dark spots after. But as most of you guys noticed It is very rare for me to have pimples. Maybe once in a blue moon haha. Though thinking that my face don’t have acne or pimples, doesn’t mean that my face or skin is good. I have this dark spots I got from my mom which is hereditary so if you have seen me in person you’ll probably noticed about it already.
So because I don’t have acne or pimples on my face during the month of October that I was trying out the soap, I thought I’d try it to my arms too! Which as you can see my arms after one month of using it becomes more brighter, clear looking and healthy skin and nourish too! Now that is a perfect way to explain how good this product is clearing out and making your skin looks more healthier after all those pimples or acne which gives as a good results with all the ingredients fit for every skin type from sensitive, dry and so on.
But you have to think that this also depends on how many acne/pimples you got then It takes time too on how long or short the soap will effect to your skin. Because there is no product yet that promise overnight that your pimples will be gone like in a snap (I guess) then you gotta be patient! Beauty takes time! Even applying make up in your everyday routine takes time too so I suggest you guys should start trying this out now! A must recommend specially if you are a mom like me that is lack of sleep. This will make our skin looks glowing and brighter and healthy everyday.
Ok! So much for this! Because you guys are awesome for reading my blog, EVERY ONE IS A WINNER in this giveaway! Starting Now, Nov7 to Nov19 2014 you can get a free E.V.E soap bar! Share and tell it with your friends too! All you gotta do is finish the Task in the RAFFLECOPTER below. Don’t miss the last bit (email address) as I need your informations to check everything Before I can confirm and give you guys the code to redeem your very own E.V.E Soap Bar! I will send you guys an email once I got your comment down below and done checking if you did the tasks below! Also this is only available for MALAYSIA RESIDENTS ONLY! GOOD LUCK!
Visit their WEBSITE: http://www.evemiracle.com.my/ ~
FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/E.V.E.The.Secret

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