Hello everyone! I was so busy with Mercedes-Benz Stylo Asia Fashion Week this month of course with all my friends! Lucky to be there and see all the designers collections and I’ve met a lot of different people, from Celebrities, Models, Designers, Writers and of course Bloggers like me too Just name it! I already posted about the Private Hard Hat Tour or the Behind the Scenes Fashion Week — The Fashion Week Opening Bash and the Official WEAR App launch at SIgnature The Roof!
I am still on the process of editing all the videos I took for you guys from the fashion week so you guys can see all the amazing and gorgeous clothes and collections from different designers from Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Australia, Singapore, Myanmar, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and many more! Don’t forget to stay tuned and follow me on Instagram & Twitter @tauyanm to be updated from fashion to everything!
I’ve won the first ever Mercedes-Benz Stylo Asia Fashion Week Wearista Style Icon Award 2014 as well together with other 3 more designers on the last night of the Fashion Week so again stay tuned and follow my social media for some good stories I have for prepared for you guys!
My family is here with me in Malaysia as well so I’ll be doing a lot of going around and tour again here in Malaysia which is my second fave thing to do haha I have been making plans and Tour for so many friends of mine who wants to visit Malaysia and Singapore so if you need help just let me know!
So I guess thats it for tonight! Don’t forget to join my International Giveaways! Click cialis superactive the Giveaway Tab/Category on top on this page to join! Hope you love this so purple outfit of mine for today x0~jane
