Hello loves! Finally I had sometime to rest after last week of full action from blogging related events but as I said to my previous post, I am not complaining at all. I love what I do and happy that I can do it now and I’m happy that my family supports me all the way, Specially my Husband. Another reason why I am super happy is because something big is going to happen to me and my blog so watch out this space or my IG @tauyanm follow me For now, All I can say is I am totally excited! =D
Now what? Something personal to share with you guys… mmh… Nothing! haha My every day life is just on repeat as a mother & wife with just full of positivity and happy family around me so nothing to rant about. Or even if there is a bad thing, I never really rant or say something hehe. Just solve the problem and move on. We are not perfect, People do make mistakes and from those mistakes we learn something. So try to get something good out of it and try not to do those things again. Coz eventually people around you will get tired and you will be just nothing for them. At the end of the day it’s just you who makes the best and the worst in your life. So YOLO! Make every day your best day! Be positive and Be happy =)
Till next time! Don’t forget to join my International Giveaways! CLICK ME to join now! See you all there!

What an amazing outfit! 🙂
looking Nice 🙂