I am trying out 3 different contact lenses from OLENS Global of course! NELLA is the new contact lens series they released last December 2023 and they have 3 colors which are Ash Gray, Ash Beige, and Ash Olive. All the colors are beautiful! KEEP ON READING…
If you love contact lenses, You can use my code: TAUYANM for FREE! -10% off discount you can shop anything on their website especially this NELLA Series.
The most natural way to color your mood, color your eyes. If you are looking for the most natural color contacts, try NELLA now! The ultimate color-changing colored contacts, Nella’s natural color takes your eye color to a whole new level. No matter what eye color you have, Nella makes realistic-looking eyes.
NELLA Contact Lens SPECIFICATIONS: Duration: 1 month – Total Diameter: 14mm – Graphic Diameter: 13.3mm – Base Curve: 8.6mm – Water content: 38% – Material: HEMA – Available Colors: Ash Grey, Ash Beige, Ash Olive
ASH GRAY: You all know how I love Grey colored contact lenses and I do love every gray colored contact lens that I’ve tried! Adding this Gray on my list for sure. It Blends nicely into my eyes and looks really elegant when I’m wearing it. Gray contact lenses tend to look kinda blue-ish on my eyes so I kinda like getting both colors in one which looks good to me! Definitely a must color for my everyday use! Day to Day look will never be boring again.
ASH BEIGE: is on a more Orangey color side. It depends on what eye colors you have of course. I have super dark brown eye color so this Ash Beige looks more orangey in a way but also softer beige or hazelnut in my opinion. Not bad for day to day or everyday use for those who have lighter skin tone. If you have dark skin tone like me, this Ash Beige is more noticeable but in a good way.
ASH OLIVE: Olive colored contact lenses are also my favorite color. It just somehow looks good on my skin color which most people call olive or tan hehe. This is more of a real color of vibrant green leaves. But in a very beautiful look. As I’ve said on my Youtube Video about NELLA Series, I totally love this ASH Olive. Something I can wear everyday if I’m not in a mood to put on makeup. It will help me look fresh and awake minus the effort.
Overall, if you’re a beginner contact lens user or you are looking for a contact lens that you can use everyday and very easy to put on without crying and hurting your eyes, I would totally recommend this!! I can barely feel that I’m wearing it all day! Use my code: TAUYANM -10% off discount to get one or others on their website at
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋

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