Something very different for today’s blog post! If you love skincare routines like I do, Then please continue reading! Or you can also WATCH THE YOUTUBE video below or HERE.
I personally love applying a facial sheet mask once a week during fridays. Yes, Fridays because weekends for me are busy with family or going out and meeting up with friends. Your daily spa day or me-time for self care doesn’t need to be on weekends OK! Find a day that you can relax by yourself without worrying other people and set it as your ME-time because it is important overall for your mind and body. Make sure you have that time for yourself
MIMONE is a brand for self care and anything about relaxing! Today I tried out their new facial sheet mask which is the CoQ10 Crystal Clear Hydro essence gel mask! Yes you read that right! It is a gel mask instead of a facial sheet cottiny mask that we normally use! Something unique that we must try! I’m definitely excited to try this out and to be sharing this new experience with you all.
MIMONE CoQ10 Crystal Clear Hydro Essence Facial Gel Mask is Made from all natural essence with grade A, coenzyme Q10. Our secret essence formulation improves absorption and hydration, delivering vital nutrients to the skin to leave it feeling smoother, fresher and energized and is formulated in New zealand.
- —Coenzyme Q10
- Contains antioxidants vitamin E for elastic, glossy, tight
- and longer lasting effects in preventing aging.
- —Chamomile Extract
- Boost resistance against allergies
- anti-inflammation and pigmentation
- after sunburn and restoring suppleness on skin.
- —Hyaluronic Acid
- Helps replenish moisture up to 1,000
- times content of water to dehydrated
- skin for all skin types including acne.
- High-quality antioxidant protection
- Comprehensive skin repair & recovery
- Skin hydrating booster
- Skin firming & anti-wrinkle
- Naturally radiant & brighter skin
- Anti-inflammatory & revitalizing
- 100% essence, Fully transparent,
- fully fitted on face, zero impurities & hassle-free!
I definitely had fun filming and trying out this Unique MIMONE Facial Gel Mask. There’s so much essence product left in the package that you can keep for later use. 1 box contains 9 facial gel masks. The Gel mask itself has somehow the same size or shape of my face already so it is easier for me to spread it out without missing any small skin parts of my face! Every part of my face is definitely covered. You can leave it on your face for 30 minutes but it is recommended to leave it for 90 minutes which is what I did because this MIMONE Gel Mask is definitely so relaxing!
In my YOUTUBE VIDEO I showed you the situation of the MIMONE Gel Mask while wearing it for 30 minutes, 60 minutes and finally 90 minutes! Definitely 90 minutes well spent! It feels so cool on my face and very relaxing. The MIMONE Gel Mask just sticks on your face all through the 90 minutes like it is your second skin. It doesn’t feel like drying out at all, but more like that the MIMONE Gel Mask is firming and hydrating my face without feeling like it very tight or drying at all. I am very pleased with that, because most of the facial sheet masks I use can only be on my skin ro maximum of 30 minutes and that is just too short for a relaxing me-time do you agree? And if I leave it too long it will dry out my skin so definitely MIMONE GEL MASK is a must from now on! Definitely recommended!
Don’t forget to check them out: @mimone.wellness and Yes! They do have a spa as well which I hope I can try out one day! For a complete MIMONE experience! I will for sure share my experience with you if ever I get to to visit their SPA for don’t forget to follow me below on my socials!
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋

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