Finally updating my skincare routine! My current skincare routine is very basic so nothing really is interesting about it. Just toner, moisturizer and add spf sunscreen if i’m going out. I know that we should be exploring lots of options to make our skin look very healthy and glowing. Skincare products are evolving everyday, therefore we need to keep on trying new products out there.
Very happy to be trying out this product today. I Haven’t tried this one before as far as I can remember. Vitamin C Serum Ampoule from Medicube brand. Basically, incorporating Vitamin C to your everyday skincare routine makes a big difference. It fades acne scars, freckles, hyperpigmentation, blemishes, dark spots, and of course, skin brightening! You can see visible changes or results within 7 days. That is not bad at all for an extra step to add on your everyday skincare routine right? It actually does wonderful things.
I will be trying this Medicube Vitamin C until I finish all the bottles and looking forward to really good results. Basically, my face has pigmentation and bits of acne scars although I barely get one and it is not noticeable at all because of my DPN(dermatosis papulosa nigra) face situation. If you have tried vitamin C serum before, let me know your experience in the comment section of my instagram account or youtube channel! Would love to hear from your side and any tips are very much appreciated!
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋

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