Spending my weekend Celebrating International Yoga day at KL Tower with Cancer Research Malaysia and Yoga by Hippie Hub Studio. I was vlogging the whole time and my day was so good! Definitely something positive happening when I start my day with movements, or exercising.
It was probably raining all night because the fake grass where we did our yoga facing the KL tower is wet. My yoga mat was soaking wet as you can see on my youtube video below. The Yoga Event at KL Tower started early in the morning hence, I started walking from my house very early. I have to walk up to KL Tower because the Van from the main entrance going up is not available until 8am hehe I was a bit scared because it was still very dark and scared that monkeys would be on the road or something haha. I did enjoy my walk up to KL Tower as there is still lights and it looks beautiful!
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Going up and walking the KL Tower is definitely a good cardio. Can you hear my heavy breathing on the video haha That was my warm up for yoga LOLs =D It was still drizzling when we started, but lucky it didnt go on and didnt rain the whole yoga sessions, and most importantly it didnt rain before I even got back home because I had to walk haha It was a beautiful peaceful morning yoga session.
I guess I am adding that to one of the cool places that I went for yoga! I went to a lot of awesome places just to do yoga when I was in Dubai. Yoga at the tallest building in the world Burj Khalifa, Yoga at the Gate DIFC, Yoga with Burj Khalifa views, Yoga at queen elizabeth cruise ship and believe me there’s more! I am eye-ing to go for yoga to some other countries with awesome views and hopefully I can manage haha Anyways, thank you so much for the awesome event! All registrations proceeds as donations so that is a double win for everyone who went to go for yoga.
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋

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