@IAMAYA – Hey loves! Another blog post! Tomorrow January 29 @iamaya will be going live on their youtube channel and you can follow them through instagram and other social media specially youtube to watch their very first youtube video going live tomorrow 4pm Dubai Time! So @iamaya is a group of 4 girls who speaks in arabic and do lots of challenges on their youtube channel from fashion, beauty and all those topics
So this blog post is about their Youtube Premiere that happened a week ago at Rove Hotel Downtown with fellow media friends and bloggers as well. It was such a very small and exclusive premiere that I am very glad to be there special thanks to @sociate.ae for inviting me and having me that night! TGIF food looks amazing but somehow I can’t even eat and now I’m dreaming of those lovely spread they served that night.
My Favorite girl is Definitely Haya @hayoosh47 the way she approached me and talked to me when I wanted a group photo and after the youtube premiere was such a very kind and humble gesture. I am sure she’ll go a long way. Her personality was beyond so nice. I mean we just met one night in person and had this really small talk but remember first impression is very important. Reem Was also nice, she seems a bit shy or something with the language that she maybe better having a conversation in arabic than english But I know and feel she’s also amazing =)

Now I’m not saying that the other girls were not humble or anything, but I just felt extra with Haya and Reem that night. A simple Hi and Hello for a fan or some people around you goes a long way rather than not saying anything =) especially if you’re gonna be an influencer or you want to be up there. Learn to be sensitive and appreciate every people small or big from the industry where ever they came from because connecting is very important. Not really against with any of them, but Just saying hehe, =)
Can’t wait to see their Youtube video going live tomorrow! Please watch out for them and subscribe to their channel and of course! Do not forget to also subscribe to my channel! LOL thanks for reading loves! Till next time! =)
Let me know if you need anything else or if you have any questions Please don’t hesitate to CLICK ME and send me a DM or Comment on my instagram Account as I can answer there quicker would love if you stop by and say Hello =)
CONNECT WITH ME on instagram for more live updates =) instagram.com/tauyanm @tauyanm I am also very friendly in person guys! LOL =D and Don’t forget to Watch the insta stories over my instagram! Let me know what you think about it!
PLEASE WATCH the VIDEO! CLICK ME if you cannot see the VIDEO below and watch it on youtube instead and way better of course! Also, please like and subscribe for more videos like this or if you love Travel – Food Videos as well
Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋