A SMILE is one of the best assets you can give and share with everyone. Smiling brings joy and calmness but not so much haha This blog post is a reminder for all of us to not take advantage of looking after our teeth and gums. Proper oral care and routine is a must! Good teeth and healthy gums gives us extra confidence to face the world and make everything overall easier from eating, drinking, socializing and all that.
I myself never take this thing for granted. I do not want that kind of pain again. That super painful feeling overnight Yes! Toothache is something you don’t want to feel like everrrrr! I had a really wisdom tooth rotting because I’m not apparently brushing it properly because of how it is positioned and it is impacted next to the tooth.
Another advice that my dentist gave me is how I’m not brushing properly, even though I brush according to my routine and also apparently get a better toothbrush that can do the job. Now this is where an electric toothbrush comes in. It does brush your teeth properly when the bristles – brush of the toothbrush moves better than my hands haha You with me? Are you following? LOLs =D Cannot really explain it more properly, but you can WATCH my YOUTUBE VIDEO here to see what I mean. But basically the electric toothbrush moves, brushes, work faster and more efficiently than just regular brushing or with your hand movements.
I have been looking for a really good electric toothbrush for so long already and continuously. I’ve tried various brands as well but now I am back using a normal toothbrush for quite some time now. I guess I’m tired of looking for one. But you know what? When you stopped looking, that is when you actually can find the one haha Ironic yeah? And This happens all the time? True? I guess so! Because I finally found the right electric toothbrush for me which I have been using for some few weeks now.
Singapore and Malaysia #1 electric toothbrush is here! Omni-Cleaning toothbrush, Is an advanced ultrasonic toothbrush for a new level of hygiene. It’s got Wireless base charger, a perfect portable and chic Travel kit, A Refill available and of course, 1 year free warranty! You cannot beat that right there! And you can get order one now for your or your family and friends using this link here: I say it’s a perfect gift this holiday gifting season coming up! Or even a Birthday present! Now that’s an idea for you =)
I’m actually excited to go and brush my teeth every time! Ever since I got this Smile Fam Omni-Cleaning toothbrush. Toothbrush session is more enjoyable with 5 different cleaning options catered for all your needs. Powerful yet gentle on your teeth, gums and overall mouth experience. Wireless charging is an updated technology where you can charge your Smile Fam Omni-Cleaning toothbrush effortlessly. Loving the portable and super chic travel case as well, so I can bring it anywhere, always on the go!
It’s been only a few weeks since I started using Smile Fam Omni-Cleaning toothbrush so Please do follow my updates on my social media @tauyanm jane fashion travels HERE on how its going after a few more months and how it’s holding on following with my brushing routine. I will be posting more updates there and more other products suggestions and recommendations in the future =) If you have any questions please do let me know over my social media as well and don’t forget to WATCH my YOUTUBE VIDEO about Smile Fam Omni-Cleaning electric toothbrush if you want to see it in action! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and watch my long form video stories there =)
Don’t forget! Order one now for your or your family and friends using this link here: Perfect as gifts! for any occasions!
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋