Fashion Forward Dubai : Hey! Hey! Everyone! Back for another Fashion Show from @ffwddxb Fashion Forward Dubai that was held in Dubai Design District! Felt like so long since I attended this Fashion Forward Dubai but I am very happy to attend again. So many interesting talks happening and of course New amazing Designers for me to know! Love being familiar with designers, learning more about them and all that ideas they give for the shows and their collection.
But first, I would love to say thank you to @ffwdxb for granting me a bloggers pass which saved me tons of energy securing for all the shows and queues. I Really appreciate it! Especially those first and last shows which are always full. Many thanks @ffwddxb! <3
Most of the Designers lined up were very new to me and haven’t heard about them before but I am very happy to get to know them and see their hard work and amazing collections during the Fashion Forward Dubai shows. Found some really good designers and new favorites as well! Hola to all the designers! I Please need some clothes for AMFW19 haha for the 3 days of Amsterdam Modest Fashion Week ‘19 hehe Thank you in advance =D

I also just want to take this moment to say How I truly love @ezracouture show! He was the very first designer on the thursday line up and I am very happy to see his collection as I’ve never seen his collection on the runway before. I feel blessed to be able to see it. If ever I already told you this, I am saying it again, @ezracouture show was so emotional. Like I wanted to cry and the emotion was just there.
One of those moments that I feel like I am there walking with the models or with the designer Ezra feeling every steps with the music, Just Be in that moment. I’ve talked to some people who were lucky to attend his show as well and we all felt the same. So much emotions and just memorable. Congrats @ezracouture! Looking forward to see more! Can we please take a selfie hehe =D
During that Fashion Forward Dubai, they also had lots of really good talks and happenings and pop up shops around which I am sad that I never get to go around that much to actually enjoy it. I stopped by American Rag Cie, Tryano, Splash to check it out and managed to actually attend 2 talks which was the Celebrity x Brands Collaboration and the talk about Sustainability on the last day of the Fashion Forward Dubai. All the talks were in the day and shows at night so I only managed to attend those in between that starts at 6pm hehe but it was nice. I enjoyed my time listening and learning about those talks.

The waiting game for the last shows was unbelievable though, both for Michael Cinco and Amato Couture Both Filipino-Dubai Based Famous Designers. For myself, I was not surprised at all because I’ve been there Done that. I’ve been to so many fashion shows in my life in the last 10 years. I was even explaining to other people who’s with me on the queue that it is going to be that long wait if they really want to watch it. If somebody wants to even know or hear about this girl who kind of fainted waiting for Michael Cinco Show that Thursday night. Her friend had to help her and carry her to the restroom and just in time they came back to their line. Some people sitting on the floor and some took off their shoes because fashion, and nice shoes that hurt your feet while standing in line waiting.
I am not even kidding at all! I mean, I know it is very hard to understand why it takes at least 1 hour and a half or more if you’re lucky LOL =D to actually wait for them. Something with the Production or designing the Runway to personalize their shows, makeup, models or I don’t really know haha I got nothing to explain to every people asking why it is late and NOT ON TIME or way too late as per schedule on the program, I guess 15-20 minutes late is ok, but not an hour or more? Who’s with me!?! Haha I suppose everyone is going to be ok and won’t complain to wait longer for a very late show at night if the After Party Drinks @skybar2.0 is FREE! LOL =D
Despite of the issue above, I am fine and ok. I did enjoy the shows and happy to be there. The waiting game is tough but #LIFE haha and I just wanted to give a shout out to all the amazing human being that I met during that 2 nights of Fashion Forward Dubai! Nice to meet you all and know that I am just an away! So let’s all meetup one time! And have a proper chit-chat haha Thank you all for being so nice and not like the others that felt like they were entitled haha Love ya’ll! =3
I guess that is all for now folks! No hard feelings here.
Once again thank you so much @ffwddxb for having me! Can’t wait for the next one already! That’s 917 words! I guess I’ve reached the google quota already. So bye all of you amazing people who’s reading this! Till next time! Ciao!
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Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋