Emirates Fashion Week Toda Dubai June 2021 – Another fashion show for you all! This fashion show is definitely amazing! All the collections that I walked and their designers were all very nice and they deserved such a fantastic experience from the show to the models as well. Of course, there’s some few bumps here and there during the show and I’m here for you all to tell the story! Keep on reading!
So June 13, 2021 sunday. Another super early morning at Toda Dubai in Souk Madinat. We do the rehearsals early in the morning because Toda Dubai starts their main show attraction for the public at 12pm in the afternoon so we need to be finished by then. This is a rehearsal and fitting. But as we all know, most of the designers don’t come during the day of the fitting haha we only managed to fit 1 designer that same day. But guess what? I didn’t end up wearing the one I fitted for that designer either. So the best way is to watch out and take care of your body always as a model, so you can fit into whatever clothes the designers will give you on the same day of the show! Usually 2-3hours of the show we all get the clothes for the designer haha Models don’t have any idea what exact outfit we’re walking down the runway. Reason why almost most of the clothes are not really fitted from our body is because we only get to fit the clothes a few hours before the show. But somehow situations like this excites me! I don’t like surprises, but not knowing what to wear for the show always is exciting feeling for me haha
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Then the day of the show! June 14, 2021 monday. Models have schedules sent via our whatsapp group. I am scheduled for the salon by 3pm to do hair and makeup but I decided to come early instead just to make sure I’ll make it early to the show location and get to choose and get fitted by the designers. More designers who chose me to wear and walk for them during the show, then it is better for me! I feel productive walking to the show and wearing most of the designer’s collection. But of course there are designers who don’t choose me to walk for them. I don’t mind at all. But just hoping that they could be nicer in having conversations with models because we are human too. Other designers only have a small collection and only few models can walk for them and that is understandable. Respect for everyone in the room because we are in the same industry.

Now here is the main story =D We all found out probably an hour or 30 minutes before the show that the front part of the runway where we are going to stop and pose was very slippery. The first designer decided to do a quick walk rehearsal and 2 or 3 models fell or slipped that time and that’s how we found out. I saw one model spraying her shoes with hairspray, and thought all the models were going to pass that hairspray and eventually come to me but it didn’t. I did my first walk on the runway and it was the scariest time because I almost fell. It was very obvious on the videos that were taken during my walk via instagram that I slipped not once but saw around 3 outfits that It was kinda obvious that I slipped. After my first walk, I tried to ask for that hairspray and no one bothered to even acknowledge. I felt disappointed because we, models, should be supporting and helping each other and not yelling or ignoring each other during the shows. If the hairspray is finished or vanished at least say something. Also probably not a very serious case really as most of the models can’t understand english that much so that is understandable for me and not blaming anyone. Definitely a lot of NO, NO experience during this show. It’s not the show by the way… it’s the models haha But I’m cool with it. Let’s be nice and kind to one another.
Overall, the whole show was fantastic! Another great experience! And Models, please note… bring hairspray everywhere haha Also the designers were all very nice and love all their collections…except that one haha that shouldn’t be named. Thank you amazing designers for choosing me to walk for your beautiful collections! Very happy to be working with you all and wearing your creations. Bless us all! =D
I love being a model and love all this craziness and I’m really happy that Emirates Fashion Week always Book me to walk and work to every Modeling events and fashion shows that they have. Thanks for all the wonderful experiences.
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That’s all for today! Please WATCH the YOUTUBE VIDEO below!
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane

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