Well, well… here we are after some months of trying out SCANDI OLIVE, I am showing you scandi gray today!! You all know that this is blackpink jennie pick of contact lens from olens global. If you don’t know yet, olens global is the number 1 premium brand of contact lens in south korea. Kpop idols and a lot more famous people wear them and so far i am very satisfied wearing their contact lenses. So many to choose from and of course, you can use my code below for discount =)
SCANDI GRAY: you already know that this is blackpink jennie choice of contact lens from olens global. I’m very excited to try this out as I’ve already tried the scandi olive before. I must say that this scandi gray is soo comfortable to wear! I mentioned in my youtube video below how I don’t feel that i’m wearing contact lens and how easy it is to put on my eyes. If you’re a beginner or looking for something natural to wear when traveling or for the whole day, everyday use, I would totally recommend this one! I’m sure adding this to my “comfortable and easy to put” contact lenses. Because I always have a hard time putting contact lenses on so I’m just telling you how good this scandi gray contact lens is to wear. No sweat for sure! OVERALL, i would totally recommend scandi gray for everyone especially for beginners.
Don’t forget to use my CODE: TAUYANM 10%off discount. CLICK ME TO SHOP NOW and Use them! Share it with your friends too. CLICK ME TO SEE Scandi Olive review as well =)
Please tag me @tauyanm on instagram or any social media when you get your contact lenses! And don’t forget to share the promo code to your friends and everyone! Sharing is caring! The more the merrier! You already know that right? So excited to see all your choices! Maybe I’ll get an idea from you as well =) Oh! And happy shopping!
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Let me know in my youtube channel or instagram account what do you think about this Blackpink Jennie Scandi Gray contact lens? Do you wear any contact lenses? Or Would you like to try contact lenses soon? If you have any questions before ordering Or any colored contact lenses in their MYEYEBB website that you are curious to try… just leave a comment.
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Thank you very much =) Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋

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