Hello Here she was that time after she made her very own cookies! She even surprised her Auntie Grace and Daddy! They loved the cookies she baked for them!
So for the instructions, We just followed on what is written at the back of the box.
Things you’ll need:
1. Ready cookie mix that you can find at your favourite store.
2. 200g of Soften Butter.
3. Some chocolate chips to make it extra yummy! (optional)
4. Vanilla essence
Baking Procedure:
1. Pre-heat Oven to 190°C
2. Mix one whole pack of the ready cookie mix with 200g of soften butter on low-speed until its evenly mix. (You can just mix it in a big bowl using your bare hands or anything that you can use to mix it altogether if you don’t have electric mixer)
3. Add 100g chocolate chips into the cookie dough, Mix, Spread the chips evenly.
4. Pinch approximately 15g dough onto a baking pan.Bake for 15-20 minutes.
Though you have to watch out for the time as well. Since this ready cookie mix is very fast to burn. So watch out for that and keep on looking at the oven and check! My daughter is wasting for all of us to finish her cookies then she can make some muffins then! But she made too many of them that we’re having a hard to finish it. Though they’re very yummy we have them cookies for snack in the after or even have some after breakfast in the morning. I eat some also before I go to bed!! Hopefully she can bake some and will surely share the information’s and recipe for you guys! Have a nice day all! x0x0
Kindly watch her video as well while baking this cookies! Thanks all! x0x0 =)
This girl got a good mom.. I wish I could bake cookies too! 🙂
Van Houten! Favorite chocolate brand 😀 And ang cute! Bata palang nag bbake na 😀
You have a bright kid, I like her cookies.
aaaww soo sweet of your darling daughter. an early skill at baking makes for a coveted trait!!
Cute girl with a great mom. Future owner of chains of bakery that is I what I can see in this lovely child:)
Way to go little baker girl. Love to see children who love to bake and cook. Trained her more, maybe she will be the next master chief. ^_^
What a talented kid!
she is cute.She is so proud of her baked cookies.
really nice. I wish i can learn too, I would really love to bake though don’t have the time.
Honestly, when I look at your photo, I thought you’re single. That’s why I was surprised when I read your post. You are a pretty mom! And she is indeed adorable 🙂
Ashlee’s so cute! I wish I could bake cookies too. I’ll be following your procedures here 🙂
<3 Char
What a lovely lovely daughter! I can´t wait to get kids 😀
Yay! It’s nice that your daughter baked some cookies and it’s one of the way for you and her to bond 🙂
correst @misaangelique:disqus thank you so much! xx
Cool. Your model is so adorable. Hehehe. Anyway, I love cooking and I should learn how to bake too. Those cookies are so cute. Parang ang hirap kagatin sa dahil kacutean. 🙂
hahah thanks nmn @twitter-101136733:disqus mhrp kgtin kc mtigas n nsunog sa sides hehe xx
Aww.. Your daughter’s so cute! 🙂 I haven’t even baked my own cookies yet so talo pa nya ko! haha.. Anyway, it’s nice that she’s taken an interest in baking. Hope she continues to surprise you with more baked goodies 🙂
Thanks at @sumirehana013:disqus mgpractice p kmi pra hindi n sunog next time haha xx
She’s adorable! You have a patisserie in the making! 🙂
Aw! thank you! We need to practice more p preho kaming hindi mrunong sunog tuloy hehe xx
Aren’t they a bit burned on the sides? Hehe! just observed it today. It will be better next time.. 😀
I know they are a bit burnt @facebook-1636245579:disqus W’e’re both first timers i never experienced baking in my whole life even yung simple lang.. pxncia n nsunog lng =(
It is certainly a good way to teach your daughter how to bake since she is still so young. I think she will become excellent in that field one day. The cookies look tasty. =)
omg! thanks a lot @twitter-828774589:disqus xx
This is a good way to cultivate your daughter’s interest. You might have a pastry chef for a daughter someday 🙂
thank you @TheCityRoamer:disqus xx
Nice molder. For sure your daughter really wants to repeat this awesome experience of hers.
yes! nmn hehe actually its her toys ih hunugasan ko lng kc gusto nya daw my shapes hehe xx
I always love baking cookies. It’s fast and easy. Plus gusto ko rin yung mga shapes 🙂
hehe thank you po! xx
Cute cookies in different shapes! Aww.. I also want to learn how to bake but we don’t have an oven. I have been researching online on howto make cookies and pastries using either a microwave or the stove (with some hocus pocus) but to no avail…I guess I really have to invest in one oven sometime soon.
thank you!! you can find in youtube dear!! there’s a lot of tutorials!! I think this ready made mix also can just be cook in a microwave or oven toaster lng hehe xx