Arabian Travel Market + CBBC Sale World Trade Center – Hey everyone! Gosh, it’s been so long since I published something here and I’m very happy to be back in my mojo and to be updating my blog website again.
So I went to Arabian Travel Market at the World Trade Center and all the talk and topics were really good. I thought there was gonna be sooo many people, like the gulfood event ( people during gulfood event was unbelievable, even though we have covid here here =D ) moving on, people at Arabian Travel Market were all looking very professionals, looking neat and all that! I looove it! Arabian Travel Market was not overcrowded, but there’s people enough and a perfect crowd to get to know and network with. During the talks, all the chairs are socially distant and they are strictly checking everyone who is not wearing their mask properly the whole time, like for those whose mask is down their chins. Overall, the event was really good and I did enjoy it.
Then.. after all the travelling, visiting all the countries, haha I wish! Well, we changed location and visited the CBBC sale where we went shopping. More like window shopping for me haha I try not to buy things that I don’t really need at all and try to help mother earth and contribute to being more sustainable.
So, CBBC sale is all about shopping! 1 full Hall of just bargain branded things! Branded shoes, clothes, perfumes, makeup, furniture, you need a full one day or maybe two? to just go check and try everything that’s there. I tried some lipsticks there and it is still on my hand right now while I’m writing this post, which is quite good right!? My friend shuu bought some makeup. She’s a makeup artist, and a jumpsuit which is a pretty good buy for sure. I would definitely buy a lot of things there as well but I’m just happy that I have so much willpower to not buy anything haha I could’ve bought everything haha
So it was bright and early when we finish, and I myself, originally planned to go to Leens Gourmet restaurant with both of the girls with me, and I did told them that we can have coffee there after and I planned to have a small brunch coffee/cake celebration for my friends birthday with an amazing view of museum of the future but….. Tadah! Both of them have to leave so I also just went home. It was understandable really, It was ok for me… I just really don’t like when things are planned and I get a last minute cancellation. Like me give me a hollerrr if you have something else that day. So yeahh… I have no hard feelings but you know! Yallah! Moving on…
That’s all for it today! Please WATCH the YOUTUBE VIDEO below!
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Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋

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