AER BAR LOUNGE: I can’t even believe that I haven’t been in a bar/club for so long!! Dubai is making me Poor haha I don’t even know how are these people brunching every week-ends and clubbing and bar hopping on weekdays!! I’m just hoping that ya’ll saving money! If so, then keep it up! And invite me please haha I need night-out frandz!!
Moving on, this event happened the night before I flew to my Bali Trip haha I made it to my flight, I was on time. Bali was Ok. Will share on my next blog post. Kthxbye.
Aer is home to a 30.5-metre bar– the longest in Dubai thus far – and spans 1,858 square metres of chilling, eating and dancing space – plus a terrace with views of the gleaming DIFC skyline. -TheNational.Ae

So Thank you so much Popcomms for having me to this event, Please invite me again haha A.E.R Bar Lounge is the longest Bar place you can find in Dubai apparently. Super love the place! It is located in DIFC, walking distance to Financial Metro just across the road. They have shisha, ladies night and all that stuff and of course the longest bar evarrr!! So I went, we took photos and videos and lots of shisha fails videos as well WATCH MY VLOG below if you wanna see it and start judging me haha
Overall, I did enjoy the night, Got tipsy, thanks for the free drinks and shisha and food ya’ll! Really appreciate it! They’re damn delicious! Was just a little bit hard to order because the drinks at the bar is soooo long but the bar-tenders are only located at the other end of the longest bar eveeeerrrr! So We have to call too many times and ended up walking at the end of the bar to get our drinks hehe that is all something to say but everything was all good and fine! Totally need to come back for ladies night! Hit me up! Need buddies!

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Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋