3 DAYS NEW YORK CITY ITINERARY: Back in Dubai! Where it is still super hot and summer! Now we have a couple of weeks to recover from USA jet lag because I used to not believe in this word, but right now, Jet lag is what is happening in the last 4days haha How do you guys get back to your home country timing? Ours seems to be so hard no matter what adjustments we do. The most affected is our daughter, she’s been sleeping 9pm and wake up by 2-3am and just stay awake, like last night we all ended up super awake at 2am eating in the kitchen haha Hope to fix this jetlag soon! Before the school starts!
So being so tight on having only 3 days to visit New York City, everyone thinks that we are out of our minds to be in jetlag and visit and walk all over New York City. But hell no! Because ladies and gentlemen! We did it and we managed to walk all over New York for 3 days! I have been updating my Instagram InstaStories @tauyanm Jane Fashion Travels of all the places we went to! CLICK ME to watch it on my highlights right now or in my Youtube Channel. I’ve been receiving so many messages everyday about my walking trail or walking maps or walking tour in New York City and it is so hard to tell them all, So I pretty much just keep on repeating myself answering all of the questions haha I do have a google maps of everything so it is easy for you to follow.
If you’re asking me how I feel about New York City? New York City is a Dream destination for me. Every year, I receive New York Fashion Week Invites, New York Events and all those social media and blogging events thingy haha Imagine my excitement everytime I read their emails but my hopeless heart cannot do anything because I don’t have a visa before, Now I do of course! For 10 years!! (insert excited gif =D) So if you want a travel buddy in the USA please do bring me haha Well, that sorta explains how I feel about New York City right? I LOVE NEW YORK CITY!! I love it that I even wanna move there haha (currently working on that hehe)
At the moment, I can just maybe go and visit the USA in the next 10 years until my visa expires. Because I’m telling you that New York City is very expensive for me. Everyone we met in New York City thinks Dubai is very expensive compared to NYC but we always reply, “are you crazy?” I mean for the price of 3 dirty dogs cost us a hundred dirhams haha I mean, Hello We were on a pizza, hotdog diet then But I admit they were delicious, Now I am missing the dirty dogs and I definitely cannot eat anymore pizza’s at the moment, I refuse to eat pizza until we travel next year LOL
The experience of visiting New York City blew me away! It is definitely one of the best travels, the memorable one. Now everytime I see movies or anything that is in New York City, it gives me a good feeling, I can say that I’ve been there, I know where it is! I went there! Do you know that feeling? It’s amazing! Can’t wait to go back to New York City again! Can I just say that I can go anywhere in New York now by myself and just to walk around it feels amazing! Need to try the subway or metro station next time! Tell me what’s your memorable travel/s so far? Have you been to new york city? Any hidden gems you wanna share so we can all visit it one day =)
This is the moment! I know you guys have been waiting for this! Below is the complete walking trail, walking tour of New York City! This can be done of course by just walking for 3 days! I mean the first day of walking is hella good! But the next day and after that, your legs and feet for sure will feel super sore and everything hurts haha But If I can do it, My 11 years old can do it, and my husband, then For sure you can all do it as well! Burn those dirty dogs and New York City Pizza you’ve been eating hehe. We also went there first week of august if you’re interested, It is the best weather! The breeze is cool, lovely day to walk, it does rain for a bit but mostly at night so you can carry onto your amazing walking day and enjoy =) You’re welcome!

1st Day New York City
CLICK FOR MAP 1 Empire State Building or anywhere in Korea town:
- Madison Square Park
- Flatiron Building
- Union Square
- Carrie Bradshaw Apartment
- Friends Apartment
- Washington Square Park
- L Appartement Sezane 254 elizabeth street (Flower Cafe)
- 174 Pietro Nolita elizabeth street (Pink Cafe)
- 176 Mulberry Street (Audrey Hepburn Wall Art)
- Chinatown
CLICK FOR MAP 2 From Chinatown:
- New York City Hall
- Brooklyn Bridge
- St. Paul’s Chapel
- The Oculus
- One World Trade Center
- 9/11 memorial
- Trinity Church
- Wall Street
- Charging bull
- Battery Park (Staten Island – Statue of Liberty)
- Statue of Liberty
- DUMBO Brooklyn Bridge
After the Battery Park, It started Raining and we used the BigBus Tour New York City to go home. We were so wet, the rain poured like it was mad at us haha well I guess we deserved it! It knows that we never had rain in Dubai haha so there you go! Get wet on top of the bus, we were not allowed to go down as the below bus is already full. We went down to the last stop around the M&M world and walked from there to our apartment which is not that far and luckily I might say that the rain decided to stop when we reach that M&M bus stop haha Then we had pizza and hotdogs for dinner as usual hehe

2nd Day New York City
CLICK FOR MAP 1: Starting from Bryant Park
- Bryant Park
- Grand Central Terminal
- Chrysler Building
- Madison Avenue
- Museum of the City New York
- The Jewish Museum
- Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
- Solomon R Guggenheim Museum
- Met Museum (The Metropolitan Museum at Arts)
- The Frick Collection
CLICK FOR MAP 2: You can follow this Map after you visit or from the Frick Collection.
- Central Park Zoo
- The Plaza Hotel
- Carnegie Hall
- Columbus Circle
- Trump International Hotel and Tower
- Sesame Street
- Lincoln Center For the Performing Arts
- American Museum of Natural History
- Walk Around Central Park
Second day in New York City was quick! We didn’t walk much as expected since we did use the big bus tour on this day as the places we want to go were a little bit far from each other. We could definitely walk to all of the places on the list but we don’t have much time and since we already bought the big bus tour tickets then why not use it. If you don’t have the bus tour ticket you can definitely walk around just make sure you have enough time to visit everything hehe or make a list of places you really wanna see.
Takenote that we didn’t go to all the places I listed on the 2nd day of New York City, I just put it there for your guide on which places to visit. We did bryant park, central terminal, then we took the big bus tour which it went through the whole madison avenue street then next stop was MET Museum where I spend an hour or two to see the CAMP notes on fashion exhibition. Then took the big bus tour, went down to columbus circle, walked pass TRUMP tower then took a turn to see the Sesame Street Sign and walked back, took the big bus tour again then went down to M&M’s world where the last bus goes then you can wait for another one to go to another line for the big bus tour.

3rd Day New York City
CLICK FOR MAP 1: Starts from M&M’s World
- M&M’s World
- Paramount Hotel
- Hard Rock Cafe
- Times Square
- Madame Tussauds
- The New York Museum of Contemporary Art
- The Vessel
- Pennsylvania Station
- 230th fifth Rooftop Bar
- Museum of Sex
- Empire State Building
- Radio City Music Hall
- Top of The Rock
- Rockefeller Center
- St. Patrick’s Cathedral
- Lotte New York Palace
For the third day on the Map 1 Most of them was just a picture places to go to, we did went to Madame Tussauds and really enjoyed that place. We’ve been to other countries that have Madame Tussauds as well but we never thought of going there just to see Wax Figures like, I’m not paying to see wax figures haha But since our big bus tour included 5 places to enter for free then we chose to finally see madame tussauds, others we saw for free from the big bus tour was museum of sex, top of the rock, met museum, and empire state building. I will be doing a separate big bus tour blog post so please follow my instagram @tauyanm jane fashion travels for updates or subscribe to my blog by entering your email below for live publish updates.
If you guys are going to wait for food to eat in New York City, Well I do have one blog post that I need to share about this really delicious and famous old deli where I had the yummiest and biggest pastrami and bagels and lox and the 230th fifth rooftop bar we went to and it rained on us haha aren’t we lucky? LOL Will be linking it here once I published it or you can subscribe to my blog or follow my social media for live updates.
Living in Dubai, we totally forgot that it is raining a lot in other parts of the world haha It rained on us some parts of our walking tour and night out in New York City but that was an experience for us for sure. Now I just need to go back and experience snow right? I’ll be doing a separate blog posts for DAY1, DAY2 and DAY3 in New York City and will be writing what exactly we did there compared to this blog post which I put all together the places you need to see in New York City for your convenience. I also Noticed that we missed a lot of places that I included on the Lists or Maps above so I can wait to come back again and visit all of these places that I missed!
If you have any questions please do DM me or leave a comment to my Facebook Page or Twitter or Youtube Channel or Connect with my instagram account and I’ll reply there right away if you have anything you wanna know and curious about visiting in New York City, I would totally love to hear from you and help you out!
That’s all lovies! Hope you like my lists above and would help you a lot when visiting New York City! Remember that you can eat pizza and everyday and burn walk all the calories by walking all over new york city because it is possible! Haha x0x0 =)
CONNECT WITH ME on instagram for more live updates =) instagram.com/tauyanm @tauyanm I am also very friendly in person guys! LOL =D and Don’t forget to Watch the insta stories over my instagram! Let me know what you think about it!
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Till next time everyone! Have a good day! cheers, Jane 💋